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With Fernanda R Rosa and the Critical Infrastructure Lab
Event details of Global Digital Cultures Soirée: Shifting Infrastructure Power - Critical Approaches
16 October 2024
18:00 -22:00
Brakke Grond

We would like to cordially invite you to our Global Digital Cultures Soirée, which will take place on Wednesday, 16 October, 2024, between 18:00 and 22:00, the Brakke Grond Cafe

The speakers this time are Fernanda R Rosa (Virginia Tech, USA) and Niels ten Oever (UvA) and Fieke Jansen (UvA) of the Critical Infrastructure Lab. Fernanda's research, 'Following code with code ethnography', asks: is it possible to decolonize infrastructural interdependencies between the global North and the global South? Meanwhile, Niels and Fieke will present early findings from an experiment in co-developing alternative infrastructural futures that center people and planet over profit and capital.

After brief presentations from these scholars, the floor will be open for questions and comments from participants. 

As always, our soirées involve food and drinks; the evening will start with drinks, and dinner will be served around 20:00. Attendance is free of charge.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Stefania Milan & Richard Ronald on behalf of team GDC