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Overview of the Governing Board and faculty contacts

Governing Board 

Prof. dr. S. (Stefania) Milan

Director Global Digital Cutures

Prof. dr. R. (Richard) Ronald

Director Global Digital Cutures

Prof. T. (Thomas) Poell

Board Member Global Digital Cultures

Prof. dr. R.K. (Rivke) Jaffe

Board Member Global Digital Cultures

Prof. dr. M. (Marieke) de Goede

Board Member Global Digital Cultures

Prof. dr. ir. B.J. (Jeroen) de Kloet

Board Member Global Digital Cultures

Dr. M. (Monika) Kackovic MSc

Board Member Global Digital Cultures

Prof. dr. O.J.M. (Olav) Velthuis

Board Member Global Digital Cultures

Prof. dr. N.M. (Nachoem) Wijnberg

Board Member Global Digital Cultures

Project Assistants

O.N.G. (Oriana) Hine

Project Assistant

Faculty Contacts

Faculty of Humanities 

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences 

Amsterdam Business School