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Poell, T., Brooke Erin, D., Nieborg, D. B., Mutsvairo, B., Tse, H. L. T., Arriagada, A., de Kloet, B. J., & Sun, P. (2025). Global perspectives on platforms and cultural production. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 28(1), 3-20.
Schmidt, L. K., de Kloet, B. J., & Chow, Y. F. (2024). It’s My Party: Tat Ming Pair and the Postcolonial Politics of Popular Music in Hong Kong. Palgrave Macmillan.
Schmidt, L. K., de Kloet, B. J., & Chow, Y. F. (in press). ‘It’s My Party’ - Tatming and the Postcolonial Politics of Popular Music in Hong Kong. Palgrave Macmillan.
Lin, J., & de Kloet, J. (2023). TikTok and the platformisation from China: Geopolitical anxieties, repetitive creativities and future imaginaries. Media, Culture & Society, 45(8), 1525-1533.[details]
Chow, Y. F., & de Kloet, J. (2022). Out in the Undercurrents: Queer Politics in Hong Kong Popular Music. In F. E. Maus, & S. Whiteley (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of music and queerness (pp. 584–602 ). Oxford University Press. Advance online publication.[details]
Nauta, A., de Kloet, J., Xu, Q., & Chow, Y. F. (2022). Becoming a Good Chinese Father – Reality TV in China and its Reception. Global Media and China , 7(4), 385-399. Advance online publication.[details]
de Kloet, J. (2022). Rising, Becoming, Overcoding: On Chinese Nationalism in The Wandering Earth. In I. Ahmad, & J. Kang (Eds.), The Nation Form in the Global Age: Ethnographic Perspectives (pp. 155-174). (Global Diversities). Palgrave Macmillan. Advance online publication.[details]
Schiller, M., & de Kloet, J. (2021). German Longings: A Dialogue about the Promises and Dangers of National Stereotypes. In O. Seibt, M. Ringsmut, & D-E. Wickström (Eds.), Made in Germany : Studies in Popular Music (pp. 90-98). (Routledge Global Popular Music Series). Routledge.[details]
de Kloet, J., Lin, J., & Hu, J. (2021). The politics of emotion during COVID-19: Turning fear into pride in China’s WeChat discourse. China Information, 35(3), 366-392.[details]
Chong, G. P. L., Chow, Y. F., & de Kloet, J. (2020). Introduction: Toward Trans-Asia: Projects, Possibilities, Paradoxes. In J. de Kloet, Y. F. Chow, & G. P. L. Chong (Eds.), Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices (pp. 1-24). (Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches). Rowman & Littlefield International.[details]
Chow, Y. F., & de Kloet, B. (2020). What is the “Trans” in Trans-Asia? In J. de Kloet, Y. F. Chow, & G. P. L. Chong (Eds.), Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices (pp. 43-57). (Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches). Rowman & Littlefield International.[details]
Chow, Y. F., Chong, G. P. L., & de Kloet, J. (2020). Coda: Rolling Back Towards a Trans-Asia Future? In J. de Kloet, Y. F. Chow, & G. P. L. Chong (Eds.), Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices (pp. 211-216). (Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches). Rowman & Littlefield International.[details]
Chow, Y. F., de Kloet, J., & Schmidt, L. (2020). Performing the Political: Reflections on Tatming Meeting George Orwell in 2017. In A. Fung, & A. Chik (Eds.), Made in Hong Kong: Studies in Popular Music (pp. 168-180). (Routledge Global Popular Music Series). Routledge.[details]
Vermeeren, L., & de Kloet, J. (2020). ’We are not like the calligraphers of ancient times’: A study of young calligraphy practitioners in contemporary China. In V. Frangville, & G. Gaffric (Eds.), China’s Youth Cultures and Collective Spaces: Creativity, Sociality, Identity and Resistance (pp. 219-234). (Routledge contemporary Asian societies). Routledge.[details]
de Kloet, J. (2020). Beijing Ring Roads and the Poetics of Excess and Ordinariness. In R. Forrest, J. Ren, & B. Wissink (Eds.), The City in China: New Perspectives on Contemporary Urbanism (pp. 145-161). Bristol University Press.[details]
de Kloet, J., Lin, J., & Chow, Y. F. (2020). ‘We are doing better’: Biopolitical nationalism and the COVID-19 virus in East Asia. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 23(4), 635-640.[details]
Lin, J., & de Kloet, B. (2019). Platformization of the Unlikely Creative Class: Kuaishou and Chinese Digital Cultural Production. Social Media + Society, 5(4).[details]
de Kloet, J., Poell, T., Zeng, G., & Chow, Y. F. (2019). The platformization of Chinese Society: infrastructure, governance, and practice. Chinese Journal of Communication, 12(3), 249-256.[details]
Peeren, E., Celikates, R., de Kloet, J., & Poell, T. (2018). Introduction: Global Cultures of Contestation. In E. Peeren, R. Celikates, J. de Kloet, & T. Poell (Eds.), Global Cultures of Contestation: Mobility, Sustainability, Aesthetics & Connectivity (pp. 1-26). (Palgrave Studies in Globalization, Culture and Society). Palgrave Macmillan. Advance online publication.[details]
de Kloet, J. (2018). Pure Love? Sanitized, Gendered and Multiple Modernities in Chinese Cinemas. In C. Hudson, & B. Barendregt (Eds.), Globalization and Modernity in Asia : Performative Moments (pp. 195-213). (Asian Visual Cultures; Vol. 3). Amsterdam University Press.[details]
de Kloet, J. (2018). Umbrellas and Revolutions: The Aesthetics of the Hong Kong Protests. In E. Peeren, R. Celikates, J. de Kloet, & T. Poell (Eds.), Global Cultures of Contestation: Mobility, Sustainability, Aesthetics & Connectivity (pp. 151-170). (Palgrave Studies in Globalization, Culture and Society). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Schmidt, L., & de Kloet, J. (2017). Bricolage: Role of Media. In P. Rössler (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects (Vol. 1). (The Wiley-Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication). Wiley Blackwell.[details]
de Kloet, J., & Chow, Y. F. (2017). Shanzhai culture, Dafen art, and copyrights. In K. Iwabuchi, R. Ruyin, & C. Berry (Eds.), Routledge handbook of East Asian popular culture (pp. 229-241). (Routledge handbooks). Routledge.[details]
de Kloet, J., & Fung , A. Y. H. (2017). Youth cultures in China. (China today). Cambridge: Polity. [details]
Chong, G. P. L., de Kloet, J., & Zeng, G. (2016). People’s Olympics? (Beijing 2008). In V. Bajc (Ed.), Surveilling and Securing the Olympics: From Tokyo 1964 to London 2012 and Beyond (pp. 319-343). (Transnational Crime, Crime Control and Security). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Chow, Y. F., van Wichelen, S., & de Kloet, J. (2016). Introduction: At home in Asia? Place-making, belonging and citizenship in the Asian Century. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 19(3), 243-256. Advance online publication.[details]
Nieborg, D. B., & de Kloet, J. (2016). A Patchwork of Potential: A Survey of the European Game Industry. In A. Fung (Ed.), Global Game Industries and Cultural Policy (pp. 201-226). (Palgrave Global Media Policy and Business). Springer International Publishing.[details]
Wang, Q., & de Kloet, J. (2016). From ‘Nothing to My Name’ to ‘I Am a Singer’: Market, capital, and politics in the Chinese music industry. In M. Keane (Ed.), Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industries in China (pp. 293–310). (Handbooks of research on contemporary China). Edward Elgar.[details]
de Kloet, J. (2016). Rescuing History from the City: Interruption and Urban Development in Beijing. In S. M. Jordan, & C. Lindner (Eds.), Cities Interrupted: Visual Culture and Urban Space (pp. 31-48). Bloomsbury Academic.[details]
de Kloet, J., & Kooijman, J. (2016). Karaoke Americanism Gangnam Style: K-pop, Wonder Girls, and the Asian Unpopular. In M. Lüthe, & S. Pöhlmann (Eds.), Unpopular Culture (pp. 113-128). (Televisual culture). Amsterdam University Press.[details]
Chow, Y. F., & de Kloet, J. (2014). Flânerie and Acrophilia in the Postmetropolis: Rooftops in Hong Kong Cinema. Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 7(2), 139-155. Advance online publication.[details]
Chow, Y. F., & de Kloet, J. (2014). Nirvana, 張藝謀, 亞洲的角色: 視覺與批判. In K. C. Lo (Ed.), 再見亞洲: 全球化時代的解構與重建 (pp. 165-176). Chinese University Press.
Chow, Y. F., & de Kloet, J. (2014). The Spectre of Europe: Knowledge, Cultural Studies and the 'Rise of Asia'. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 17(1), 3-15. Advance online publication.[details]
Poell, T., de Kloet, J., & Zeng, G. (2014). Will the Real Weibo Please Stand Up? Chinese Online Contention and Actor-Network Theory. Chinese Journal of Communication, 7(1), 1-18.[details]
de Kloet, J. (2013). Imagining a Disappearing and Reappearing Chinese City. In J. de Kloet, & L. Scheen (Eds.), Spectacle and the City: Chinese Urbanities in Art and Popular Culture (pp. 77-96). (Cities and Cultures). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
de Kloet, J., & Scheen, L. (2013). Introduction: Imagining Chinese Cities. In J. de Kloet, & L. Scheen (Eds.), Spectacle and the City: Chinese Urbanities in Art and Popular Culture (pp. 11-20). (Cities and Cultures). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
de Kloet, J., & Landsberger, S. (2012). Fandom, Politics and the Super Girl Contest in a Globalized China. In K. Zwaan, & J. de Bruin (Eds.), Adapting Idols: Authenticity, Identity and Performance in a Global Television Format (pp. 135-147). (Ashgate popular and folk music series). Ashgate. [details]
de Kloet, J. (2011). Televisie en Aziatische hybridisering. In J. Hermes, & M. Reesink (Eds.), Televisiestudies (2e ed., pp. 213-226). Boom Lemma. [details]
de Kloet, J., & Chong, G. P. L. (2011). Olympische Spelen en mondiale beeldvorming: zijn de meeste dromen bedrog? In P. Ho (Ed.), Paradoxaal China: westerse perceptie, oosterse realiteit (pp. 77-93). (China in verandering; No. 2). Almere: Parthenon. [details]
de Kloet, J., Chong, G. P. L., & Landsberger, S. (2011). National image management begins at home: imagining the new Olympic citizen. In J. Wang (Ed.), Soft power in China: public diplomacy through communication (pp. 117-133). (Palgrave Macmillan series in global public diplomacy). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
Chow, Y. F., & de Kloet, J. (2010). Blowing in the China wind: engagements with Chineseness in Hong Kong’s 'zhongguofeng' music videos. Visual Anthropology, 24(1-2), 59-76.[details]
Chow, Y. F., de Kloet, J., & Hok-Sze Leung, H. (2010). Towards an ethics of slowness in an era of academic corporatism., Actuel(12.07.2010), 8314.[details]
Kuipers, G., & de Kloet, J. (2009). Banal cosmopolitanism and The Lord of the Rings: the limited role of national differences in global media consumption. Poetics, 37(2), 99-118.[details]
Kuipers, G., & de Kloet, J. (2008). Global flows and local identifications? 'The Lord of the Rings' and the cross-national reception of characters and genres. In M. Barker, & E. Mathijs (Eds.), Watching The Lord of the Rings: Tolkien’s world audiences (pp. 131-148-8). (Media and culture; No. 3). Peter Lang. [details]
de Kloet, J., & Teurlings, J. (2008). Digital convergence ten years later: Broadcast Your Selves and web karaoke. In J. Kooijman, P. Pisters, & W. Strauven (Eds.), Mind the screen: media concepts according to Thomas Elsaesser (pp. 345-359). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
de Kloet, B. J. (2007). Crossing the Threshold; Chinese Cinema studies in the Twenty-first Century. Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 1(1), 63-69.
de Kloet, B. J., & van Zoonen, E. A. (2007). Fan culture: Performing Difference. In E. Devereux (Ed.), Media studies: key issues and debates (pp. 322-341). London, UK: Sage.
de Kloet, J., & Kuipers, G. (2007). Spirituality and fan culture around the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Fabula : Journal of Folktale Studies, 48(3-4), 300-319.
de Kloet, J., & Veelen, T. (2007). Sacralisering en succes in de Nederlandse dance industrie: over waardetoekenning en netwerk dynamiek in het DJ -veld. Sociologie, 3(4), 300-319.
Peeren, E., Celikates, R., de Kloet, J., & Poell, T. (Eds.) (2018). Global Cultures of Contestation: Mobility, Sustainability, Aesthetics & Connectivity. (Palgrave Studies in Globalization, Culture and Society). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
van Eijk, N., Roessler, B., Zuiderveen Borgesius, F., Oostveen, M., et al., U., van Son, R., Verkade, F., Vliek, M., Alberdingk Thijm, C., Apt, K., Böhler, B., den Boon, A., Breemen, K., Breemen, V., de Goede, M., van Gompel, S., Guibault, L., Helberger, N., Hins, A. W., ... Taylor, L. (2014). Academics Against Mass Surveillance. Web publication or website, Academics Against Mass Surveillance.[details]
Chow, Y. F., & de Kloet, J. (2013). Sonic Multiplicities: Hong Kong Pop and the Global Circulation of Sound and Image. Bristol: Intellect. [details]
de Kloet, J. (2010). China with a cut: globalisation, urban youth and popular music. (IIAS publications series. Monographs; No. 3). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
Chow, Y. F., & de Kloet, J. (2008). [Review of: Z. Zhen (2007) The urban generation: Chinese cinema and society at the turn of the twenty-first century]. China Information, 22(3), 519-522.[details]
de Kloet, J. (2008). Media en populaire cultuur: nieuwe vormen van cultureel burgerschap? In W. L. Chong, & T. W. Ngo (Eds.), China in verandering: balans en toekomst van de hervormingen (pp. 120-142). (China in verandering; No. 1). Parthenon. [details]
de Kloet, B. J. (2007). Een pleidooi voor multiculturele vervuiling. In F. Guadeloupe, & V. de Rooij (Eds.), Zo zijn onze manieren - Visies op multiculturaliteit in Nederland (pp. 179-190). Amsterdam: Rozenberg.
de Kloet, B. J. (2007). We leven op een vuilnishoop. Hypothese, 14(5), 23.
de Kloet, J., & Jurriëns, E. (2007). Introduction: Cosmopatriots: on distant belongings and close encounters. In E. Jurriëns, & J. de Kloet (Eds.), Cosmopatriots: on distant belongings and close encounters (pp. 9-18). (Thamyris intersecting: place, sex and race; No. 16). Rodopi. [details]
de Kloet, B. J. (2015). Precariously Single. In Precariously Single: Art Catalogue
de Kloet, B. J. (2015). T Giet langzaam vurbeej an ow en an meej. In L. Cornips, & B. Beckers (Eds.), Het dorp en de wereld: Over dertig jaar Rowwen Hèze (pp. 60-63). Uitgeverij Vantilt.
de Kloet, B. J. (2010). Peking - De Verdwaalde Stad. China Nu, 35, 34-39.
Liu, W., & de Kloet, J. (2008). Flaming a debate: on the multiple meanings of the Olympic torch relay spectacle. BLIND : Interdisciplinair Tijdschrift, 17.[details]
Ferdinand, S. R. (2017). I Map Therefore I Am Modern: Cartography and global modernity in the visual arts. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Villaescusa Illán, I. (2017). Writing the Nation: Transculturation and nationalism in Hispano-Filipino literature from the early twentieth century. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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