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We focus on the intersection between categories and place, and investigate the impact on economic value. Using categorization as our theoretical lens, we study the extent to which the meaning of categories in one market context may evolve or change when there is a transition to digital place-bound features in another market that uses the same categories. We study this relationship on the crypto art market, where digital artworks are exhibited in virtual galleries and sold to collectors on a blockchain. Comparing business models developed on this market to traditional art markets enables us to systematically study the extent to which meaning-making processes of established categories interact in the digital crypto art market. This project is a research exploration of a global and fully virtual art ecosystem that may signal the precipice of changes-to-come in ‘traditional’ art markets.

Monika Kackovic is an assistant professor of entrepreneurship and innovation. She studies the dynamics of performance and success in the creative industries.

Giovanni Colavizza is an assistant professor of digital humanities. His work focuses on AI for cultural heritage, science studies, and the public understanding of science.

Andrea Leiter is an assistant professor at the Amsterdam Center for International Law. Her research focuses on technology-enabled value production and distribution.



As part of this GDC-funded project, Monika Kackovic, Giovanni Colavizza and Andrea Leiter have written a blog post titled "Crypto Art – The new kid on the block". Read the full text here