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Convenors: Thomas Poell (UvA), David Nieborg (University of Toronto), Rivke Jaffe (UvA), Jeroen de Kloet (UvA), and Arturo Arriagada (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez).
Event details of GDC PhD Workshop
3 July 2023
09:30 -22:00

The goal of this PhD workshop is to enable knowledge sharing on global digital cultures, enhance student mobility, and engage in intercontinental network-building. 

In the morning, there will be a series of 1-hour sessions to share best research practices and reflect on methods, approaches, and dissertation writing. Nine PhD students will be asked to present their projects, solicit feedback, and explore opportunities for collaboration. 

The afternoon will be devoted to professional development. We will discuss challenges and strategies in making the transition from PhD research to a career in academia or elsewhere. The convenors will reflect on their own experiences and discuss questions from participants. 

The day will be finished with dinner and drinks. 

Participation is free, but capped at 30 PhD students. You can indicate your interest by sending a mail to Thomas Poell (