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CARPA (Crowdsourcing App for Responsible Production in Africa) aims at improving sustainable business in Africa through the development of a crowdsourcing app and website which enables local actors to report cases of irresponsible production as well as cases of responsible production. Crowdsourcing methods allow local and external stakeholders to corroborate reports of labor, social, and environmental business incidents, and follow cases over time. CARPA, which was funded in 2017 by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), complements other existing digital platforms and mobile apps designed to monitor, and/or improve labor/ environmental/ social accountability along supply chains. Such initiatives are mostly closed systems accessible only to businesses. The GDC grant will help develop the CARPA platform further by connecting it with other digital tracking initiatives and use CARPA’s crowdsourcing mechanism to engage with proponents, users, and stakeholders of such initiatives to develop a fuller sense of their socio-economic implications.

François Lenfant is postdoc at the Amsterdam Business School. His areas of expertise are the ‘resource curse’ and the role of business in conflict processes.

Robert Masua Bwana is a PhD candidate associated with the CARPA project at the Amsterdam Business School within the University of Amsterdam.

Marcel Worring is Full professor in Multimedia Analytics at the Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam.